
Halloween at Disney!

So Disney was amazing.

The day started off a bit weird. I got an email stating that I never signed up for my scholarship money (I have to sign every month), even though I went at the beginning of the month and signed. Since the 31st was the last day, I had to go to the office to figure out what was up. Unfortunately the office didn't open till 9 which was the time my Japanese class starts on Wednesdays. And I couldn't have gone after class since class ends at 12:10 and I needed to sign by 12. So I decided to wait at the office and then go to class late, even though I had a Kanji test that day. It turns out I did sign my name, but in the wrong place a.k.a someone else's spot. Whoops! But I signed on my spot and I'll get the money next month, so everything is good. And I also made it in time to take my test! Yay! I was pretty proud of myself.

After my classes were done I ended up helping a friend find her wallet which she lost. We looked around campus, and even went to a koban (police box) to fill out a missing item form (the experience was actually kinda fun since the police guy was pretty nice and funny). Thankfully we found it at Waseda's lost and found!

At around 4:30 everyone who was heading to Disney gathered to go. It took about an hour to get there, but the train ride went by fast. Everyone was pretty excited to be going to Disney. And everyone was pretty much excited the whole time we were there! Since we bought our tickets before hand, we didn't have to wait in line that long. There were other people from our program/Waseda who we meet up with there, but we ended up splinting up for the most part. First let me say most of the costumes there were amazing. Some people looked so good we thought they worked at the park (we're pretty sure they weren't workers). At first I was a half-assed Minnie Mouse, but then one of my Japanese friends let me borrow his witch's hat since he thought it would suit me.

The first thing we went to at Disney was Space Mountain (my first time riding it!). The wait was about an hour and a half or so, but we were all having fun messing around, talking, and taking pictures, so the time went by fast. When we were inside the building waiting I got this strange sense of deja vu (I swear I had a dream about being in line for the ride during the summer....weird lol). For a Disney ride, Space Mountain was pretty fast! There weren't any big drops or anything, but it was a lot of fun.

Next we stopped at the U.S. Space Shuttle to get some food and check out the parade. The lighted floats at the parade were amazing! Some of them even had people dressed up as characters on them. It was really interesting to note that most of the more popular or main characters (such as all the princesses, Alice, the Peter Pan group, etc.) were all foreigners. But most of the recordings (which were supposed to be their voices) were in Japanese. Sometimes the songs were in English, sometimes Japanese. And most of the other people in the parade (dancers, marchers, the step-sisters from Cinderella) were all Japanese...

Before the parade ended we headed for the Haunted Mansion ride. I thought it would actually be like a real haunted house, but it was basically just a ride that showed you scenes from The Nightmare Before Christmas. So it wasn't scary at all. The effects they used were pretty impressive, especially the one used for the ghosts! After we got done with that ride, our group (there were about 9 of us at this point) went to the carousel. I can't even remember the last time I rode a carousel before that.

With time running out (the parked closed at 10), we had time for the Jungle Cruise ride. Overall the ride wasn't that thrilling (we just rode on a boat while the driver would stop at the animal statues, etc.), but we had our own fun. Every time we would see a fake animal we would say "Look it's Janice!" (Janice being the nickname of one of our friends there). Of course we wanted to ride more rides, but since we also all wanted to buy gifts for ourselves and our host families (I got everyone mugs), we did that then gathered in front of the castle to take pictures. Four hours is definitely not long enough to thoroughly explore Disney. I hope I get to go back for a whole day sometime!

Today I actually got some homework done! And I ended up going to the Edo-Tokyo Museum again for my Exploring Tokyo class. I was able to see some exhibits I wasn't able to last time, like the WWII section, but it wasn't all that exciting, so I don't have much to say right now. My group is presenting on the museum next week, so I might write more about it later. I really like my group for the class though! Everyone is awesome!

Tomorrow I'll be making waffles with some Niji no Kai members for the Waseda School Festival this weekend. Words can't even describe how excited I am for the festival. It's going to be insane. I'll probably post about it next weekend. Still so many things to do! So busy but having a great time!~ I love Tokyo! <3

3 件のコメント:

  1. I am so jealous!! Did you have to pay a lot to get into Disney? That sounds like such a fun time!
    I wouldn't think that they would celebrate Halloween in Japan...is it sort of like a foreign, novelty holiday like Cinco de Mayo is here?

    1. We only went for four hours and bought our tickets online so it was about 4,000 yen $50ish. And yeah, it's definitely a novelty holiday here, but people do dress up and party haha.
