
Yokohama and Dinner

Okay so Yokohama:
-took the the train there, bonded with friends
-ate lunch in Chinatown. Didn't explore it too much since there were other things we wanted to see. Was really tired, but happy to be exploring with friends!
-bought an omiyage (souvenir) for my host family and browsed a couple of shops!
-Walked to Yamashita Park. On the way we saw this girl trying on an orange dress in a wedding dress shop. We all creepily took pictures of her.
-At the park there was a small rose garden! We also saw a cool boat on the ocean! From there we walked along the bay and took lots of pictures. I also petted a dog!
-It took us a while, but we arrived at Cosmo World, a theme park with a huge ferris wheel! There were like mainly couples there, which made us all want boyfriends, but the ferris wheel was a lot of fun!
-After the ferris wheel we did purikura!
-Then we ate over priced at this department store!
-On the way home we say a street performer! We stopped to watch him for a while, and I'm really glad we did. He was pretty intense.
-To get home we walked through this huge mall! We all want to go back to Yokohama just to shop at Minatomirai.

I would write a real post about Yokohama, but I want to go to bed soon >.<

Today is my two month anniversary of being here in Japan! We had all planned to go to Ikebukuro for lunch, since that's where we first stayed, but plans fell through so we just ate at the conbini. Today I also went to my friend's friend's house for dinner. I was a bit unsure at first, but I'm glad I went. I was neither killed or converted (although I did notice a creepy picture of Jesus in the living room). The girl who invited me is really nice and pretty easy to talk to (she's the one I keep running into at Waseda). Her friends were all really nice too. We all made green curry together. And there was a Chinese girl there too, so I wasn't the only awkward foreigner They all play soccer together, and they invited me to play with them! So I might do that this Sunday. And now instead of doing homework, I'm going to do some yoga/light stretches and go to bed!

1 件のコメント:

  1. Just to let you know, of course if you wanted to say "yes" to Christianity that is fine with me-- and, of course, you don't need my permission-- I love and accept you no matter what! : )
