
Mondays are the Worssstttttt.

Even though I got a lot of sleep yesterday, I've been super tired all day. And my nose has been stuffed up again. Maybe my allergies (to dust) are worse over here? Sigh. I guess I could always go to the doctor here since I have insurance. But I feel like my cold isn't bad enough to go to the doctor...I guess well see. For now I'll keep trying to will myself to get better. And I'll try to get more sleep. I still want to write about Yokohama, but I'm not feeling up to that yet haha.

So yeah, Mondays are my longest day. So today wasn't that fun. But some good (?) things happened.
-I just finished cutting my bangs by myself! I think it looks okay, but they are a bit uneven...lol
-My host mom changed the curtains in my room and I really like them!
-My host mom also bought everyone really cute chopsticks. When I went to Disney, I got my host parents and I matching mugs with different colors. My host mom's is blue, host dad's is green, and mine is red. And today my host mom bought these brown chopsticks with colored glass ends (the end where you hold them). And the colors on the chopsticks match the colors of our mugs! So cute!
-One of the girls I meet in a conbini and had lunch with a while back invited me to eat with her at her friend's house tomorrow! It's been weird because I've been running into her a lot around the Waseda area, which is actually pretty rare since Tokyo is so huge. You don't really run into the same people that often even if you are in the same area. When my friend Becky lost her wallet, we saw her on the street and she told us where the lost and found was. And on the way to Yokohama the other day we saw her in the train! I'm glad she invited me to dinner, but I hope she doesn't turn out to be like a member of a cult trying to recruit me...haha...but seriously. Although I don't get that feeling from her at all, but you never know...well I'll just stay positive for now! Yeah!

-OH and also I forgot to mention that (as of now) I'm going to Okinawa in December with my host family, and Okayama/Hiroshima in January before my brother comes!~

1 件のコメント:

  1. Sorry to hear you are still stuffy : ( Happy to hear of your future travel plans (you are one lucky/blessed)girl! And as far as your new friend-- have no worries, if she is a converter you can always say "no" politely. You are awesome!
