
Lazy Sunday

I went to Yokohama Saturday, which was a lot of fun, but I'm too tired to write a real post about it now (maybe tomorrow?). Today was supposed to be my host brothers shichi-go-san (which is why we've been trying on kimonos), but since he woke up with a fever and a bad tooth ache, the pictures/ceremony will be held in early December. My host mom kept going back and forth between doing it today or not (we were even out the door heading to the kimono place at one point), but I think it's best we didn't do it today. We did go out to lunch though with my host mom's parents and my host dad's dad. My host mom's dad is pretty hilarious. He wears a really dark toupee, and is really nice. He works at a supermarket preparing fish (I believe) and he told me that next time he'll show me how to properly cut and clean a fish...haha.

Recently I've been in a weird half sick state for a while, so I'm glad I got to take it relatively easy today (I took a two hour nap and had the weirdest dreams). Today was also really exciting though, BECAUSE MY BROTHER IS COMING TO VISIT ME IN JANUARY! So excited. My host parents seem pretty excited about it too. At dinner we were talking about places to travel (possible Hakone and a castle near there or maybe even Kyoto/Osaka?). Even though my host family will be busy with work, they still want all of us to go on a trip together. I can't wait to show my brother around Japan (and be his shitty translator!) haha :)

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