
Gate One

I'm going to write about my jazz experience last night. I'm pretty tired now, so bear with my awkward English.

Yesterday I went to a jazz bar (called Gate One) with some of my friends from the program. We came to hear the woman we are going to teach English to sing. She and her husband own the bar and perform together a few times a month (her husband plays guitar). There was also a bass player, a drummer, and a pianist. I was pretty excited to see live jazz again (the last time had been a few months earlier). The place was pretty small, but a good amount of people squeezed in, though some had to sit on the stairs. The shelves behind the bar were filled with bottles and jazz records, and the place was dimly lit. I really liked the atmosphere there. Since we were somewhat special guests, we were able to drink all we want (2 beers, 3 gin and tonics for me) which was really nice since I don't think the bar usually has nomihodais. There were also free snacks!

We sat pretty close to where the band played, so we had a good view. The music started at around 8:40. I can't even describe how amazing it was. The musicians were all a bit older, so they were really good. And the woman's singing was amazing. Her English pronunciation was great, and her singing style was so strong and she had a wide range of emotions while singing. There were also two other singers that each sang once who were both equally amazing. The band took a break at about 10, so we were able to talk to the singer a bit and one of the directors for our program (who is friends with the singer and who was also a bit drunk). We ended up leaving at around 11:45 after they stopped playing. I'm so glad I was finally able to see a live jazz concert in Japan!

Today was really cold so I'm really tired now...but I think tomorrow will be a good day! :)

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