
All I Want To Do Lately Is Sleep!

I wanted to skip my Japanese class today (since I was feeling pretty tired when I woke up and since I'm still a bit sick), but I がまんしたed and went. I feel like even when I eat healthy, get lots of sleep, and somewhat exercise, my body stays weak...I envy those who never get sick! I would much rather spend my free time exploring Tokyo than being lazy...oh well. Tomorrow I get to check out the Roppongi area with my group for class! I'm going to do my best to finish some of the reading before then, but I'm just so unmotivated to do homework here. In the long run it might be detrimental, but for now oh well. I have a feeling senior year is going to be so rough after this though haha.

Nothing too exciting happened today, but there were a lot of little things that made me smile. Such as getting to see my friends for a bit after class and walking to the train station with them, helping my host mom with dinner preparations, and my host brother (who is now healthy) showing me some of his toys. Friday I think I'm doing calligraphy with my host mom, and that night there is a drinking party for the club I'm in, so it might be a while until my next post!

2 件のコメント:

  1. You should go to the doctor! Haven't you been sick for like two weeks?
    Keep getting lots of rest. Get healthy, lady!

    1. Well I got better last week a bit then got a cold again this week...I'm starting to feel better today though!
