
Teaching and Eva

So today was pretty great.
The English lesson went well I think. She said that she had a lot of fun, which is good! I'm not sure how well my teaching ability is, but I did my best. It's hard to explain things about your own language since it's just natural to you/English is hard (haha). She gave me more money that I thought she would, and I got free lunch as well! I'm looking forward to teaching her over the next few months/seeing another live jazz session!

The test I took for my Exploring Tokyo class, however, did not go that well....there was a lot of guessing/bullshitting involved. I feel like I should try harder for that class (especially since the teacher is my program director), but oh well. I did really good on a midterm for a different class, so yay for that!

I had planned on going home and studied after class, but I actually ended up going out to eat with some Japanese friends and people from my program. And after that, we went to see the new Eva movie. It was so intense! And I was glad I understood most of it. Of course there were a lot of technically terms that I could only guess at, but other than that I understood it (as much as one can understand an Eva film). It was exciting to go to my first movie in Japan! Also, assigned seating lol.

After that a couple of us went to check out the nearby illuminations (there are so many Christmas illuminations here it's crazy). They were really pretty. Christmas is more of a couple holiday here though, so there were couples everywhere. And there was this one light statue/machine that you could go under and put your hands on a hand sensor thing. Then a colored "shooting star" would appear, and each color had a certain meaning. I went with one of my girl Japanese friends, and we got "courage." It's pretty hilarious that such a thing exists!

Time for bed now. Real work tomorrow!~

1 件のコメント:

  1. So glad you enjoyed your teaching lesson and had fun with your friends. And now you know what the test will be like so next time hopefully it will be easier. You are courageous!!: )
