

Lazy winter break time. Christmas day I just sat around in my pajamas and watched Japanese drama until my host parents got off work. It was great. Then we opened up presents my mom sent all of us. It was a lot of fun! Still didn't quite seem like Christmas day though..

Yesterday I went to Yokohama with Becky to meet a Japanese friend who lives there. Got some shopping done before we met up with her. Then the three of us went to a restaurant where you could eat on a bed. It was amazing. The food was so good and the bed was comfy. The restaurant was really nice too, had a great atmosphere. We stayed there for like two hours just talking, and eating. After that we went to Shinjuku to meet some of our friend's friends from London (our friend used to live in London when she was younger so she has a super cute English accent).

Today I met my friend Scarlet for lunch at Waseda. We got abura soba which is delicious. Then we went to a cafe close to campus called  Cat's Cradle. It was our first time going there. I really liked it! There were books everywhere that you could read and the cafe was just really cute. I definitely want to go there again! Now I'm just really tired though. The cold weather is getting to me...

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