

Oh man.

So last night was/were the nomikai/s to celebrate the graduation of the 3rd year members from Niji no Kai (people graduate from the club at the end of their third year since they start to become really busy looking for jobs). There was a ceremony before the drinking party where thank you videos were shown, flowers and cards were given to the 3rd years, and the 3rd years all made a little speech. It was really nice and a lot of people started crying. I don't think clubs really do anything like this in the states (at least not in any of the clubs I've been in). People really do put a lot of time and effort into their club activities though, so I think it's really nice that they have ceremonies like that here. Things got a bit scary for a while though, since one of the third years passed out. The ambulance was even called, but he ended up being okay.

After the ceremony we went to the location of the first nomikai, Daruma, the same place were the last nomikai was held (although we had a bigger room this time which was good since so many people were there). None of my main friends from my study abroad program went to this nomikai, but I'm actually kinda thankful it turned out that way. I got to hang out and talk with a lot of the Japanese members which was really fun. I'm really thankful I am active in the Niji activities. It's been so much fun getting to know a lot of people through the club. Everyone is really nice and friendly! Although I'm not really super best friends with anyone yet, by going to the lounge during the week and participating in events, members have gotten to know me and get excited to see me when I come to events. There are so many Japanese people in the club that I feel comfortable talking with and have made plans to hang out with! I look forward to becoming closer with everyone!

A typical scene at a nomikai

But anyway, so the nomikai. It was great. The drunk spectrum ranges pretty far at nomikai from two guys making out drunk to not drunk at all. Of course there were drinking calls, for the third years and the second years who organized the event, which was a lot of fun (and I've actually started to memorize some of them). At one point some members from a different international club came in (I guess they were also having a nomikai there?) and ended up throwing McDonalds hamburgers to us...haha.
We stayed at Daruma for about two hours and then went to the Rotary where people could decide to head back home or continue to the second nomikai which lasted from 11:30-5am. So of course I went to the second nomikai. There I got to talk to more people and meet some new people as well. Since the night was long, I don't remember everything, but I had a lot of fun! And even though I drank a lot I didn't get that drunk so I'm not that hungover! But sadly now I actually really need to start doing homework...

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