
Once I'm Not So Busy I'll Write Real Posts Again

Saw The Hobbit today! The 3d kinda ruined it for me, but it was still pretty good. I mean, I don't think it's anywhere on the level of LOTR, but it was enjoyable. And I got some homework done today too! Still a lot to go!~

Friday I went to this pretty cool house for my Exploring Tokyo class. We had to go on our own, so I went with two of my friends who are also in the class/my abroad program. I'll post a real post about it later! I also got to check out some Christmas illuminations with some of my Niji friends! We went to Omotesando (which is close to where I live), but there actually weren't that many illuminations there. It was still a lot of fun though!

Yesterday we had Secret Santa for my program. I got a Disney shot glass, snacks, and bubbles! It was pretty exciting to open up presents. I'm missing Christmas cookies a bit, but I got the recipe from my mom so I'm going to try and make them over winter break!
Yesterday was also the Niji Christmas party! 170 people somehow managed to fit into one pretty small bar. Everyone dressed up really nice and there was music, drinks, bingo, and some food. It was sort of hard to talk to people, since so many people were there and the music was loud, but it was still a lot of fun. And I went to the after drinking party where I got to talk to some members I hadn't talked to a lot in the past. I was kinda tired/tipsy, so the whole night is one big mesh of events now, but I had a good time! Haha.

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