
Oh December

Things I have to get done before December 19th:
-Reading Test
-Field Journals
-3 Presentations
-2 Essays
-Final Exam
-Multiple Quizzes
........how did all of this work come out of nowhere?!?! Oh well. I'm still going to try to balance work time and fun time. Tomorrow is my first time officially teaching English! I hope all goes well. I've never done it before, but I'm excited. Friday there is a winter festival at my host brother's kindergarten. After that, hopefully I can knock some of this homework out of the way...and then Saturday night is another nomikai! I wonder if it will be as crazy as last time haha.
Today I tried studying for a test I have tomorrow, but I pretty much watched the Colbert Report with friends at starbucks instead (I only go there once a month, I don't know how my friends go every week, it's so expensive! I spent more on one drink there than I spent on my lunch today...)
Anyway so the dates for the Okayama/Hiroshima trip got changed again (but for the last time I believe. I've gotten used to my host family changing plans every so often haha). I leave right after the last day I have a presentation and test, so it will be nice to get to relax there! I'm also going to try and plan a trip to an aquarium in sunshine city the Saturday after that, so I hope I can fit in time to plan that too!
I still haven't figured out what I'm doing for winter break. I wanted to go to Kyoto with friends, but it doesn't look like that is going to work out. I hope I can go somewhere though. I don't really want to travel alone (and least not when it's cold...) but I really want to go somewhere...
I also want to get postcards out...I've bought them...one step at a time!

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