
Pineapples and the Meiji Shrine

Monday I had my first full day of classes. Actually, Monday is the only day I have a pretty full day of class. From 9-12:10ish I had my Intensive 3 Japanese class. It was not as bad as I thought would be, though it was a bit long. We took another little placement test, and I didn't do too well...I've forgotten so much. I should review, but I just haven't found the time for it yet. For lunch I meet with TEAM members and others to go to the 100円 Lawson's, which is pretty much my favorite conbini. Everything is so cheap! Pineapple slices for 105円!! I joked around about making a Waseda Pineapple Club, where we often eat pineapple for lunch. A unofficial club haha.

Before my 4th period class I took care of some business (scholarship stuff and paying the fee for the trip I'm going on the weekend-which resulted in a good funny/awkward team story of us being awkward lol). My 4th period class was actually pretty good. I have it with my friend from my home college, which is nice, and the professor is the little old (but not that old) cute (in a sweater-vest wearing type of way) Japanese professor. He was seriously so funny (both intentionally and unintentionally). My friend and I also had our 5th period class together, War and Peace. It seems like it will be an interesting class, and the professor seems good, but the class might have a heavier work load compared to other SILS courses. 5th period classes are going to be a bit rough since the last from 4:30-6. But I will try my best to stay awake! We also stopped by starbucks after class for a quick break. Expensive, but so good. Macha Latte. Yes.

For dinner that night one of my host dad's other sons (my host step brother? lol) came over for dinner. He's around my age (21), and seems really nice. My host dad kept telling him to show me around places, so I it seems like I'll be hanging out with him more in the future. The food that night was really good, and the drinks kept flowing. I'm starting to drink less now (I told my host family I just can't drink every day since I'll get fat and unhealthy lol), but every once in a while, drink is definitely fine!

Since I don't technically have any classes on Tuesday (as of now), I took the morning to explore the Meiji shrine near the apartment I live in (it's about a 10-15 minute walk and is close to the train station I use). It was huge! I was surprised at how big of an area the shrine takes up and by how many trees where there. Even the torii's (shrine gates) where huge. It was so beautiful there. I felt so at peace just walking around by myself. It was somewhat touching as well. I read some of the ema (wooden tablets that people write their wishes on; I wanted to write one but wasn't sure what to wish for, I'll have to do one when I have a good wish), and even saw part of a traditional wedding (or wedding photo shoot). So far whenever we've visited a shrine or temple, it's been hard to really absorb what I am seeing/experiencing. But since I was by myself today, and had a good amount of time to walk around, I think it was the first time I've really felt something at a shrine. I dunno, it's hard to explain. Anyway, I also went to the garden area there too. Although I had to pay it was worth it. It felt amazing walking around by myself, taking in the fresh air, and getting away from the crowded,  face-paced city. The scenery was beautiful. I'll definitely be going back there again. Oh, I also wanted to buy a charm, but since I couldn't read/understand the kanji for what kind of charms they were, I didn't buy one. I'll have to ask someone what type of charms are available to buy.

I could have spent the whole day at the shrine or the nearby Yoyogi park, but I had plans to meet with friends for lunch at Waseda. I also sat in on a class that I want to take (with TEAM members), and it seemed pretty easy and possibly fun, so I hope I get into the class. And I finally bought my intensive level 3 textbook today (I'll probably have the most homework in that class...). I had the rest of the day free so I bought some needed items at the 100円shop (I keep spending too much money), and checked out the magazines at the book store to see what free items came with them this month (did I mention before that a lot of the magazines come with a free gift here? It's so fun to look at them!). After taking some time to relax, paint my nails, and converse with a team member, I headed home for dinner.

I got to meet my host mother's mom tonight, and we all went out to eat ramen. It was decent ramen, but I think the best I've had so far was at the small restaurant I went to in Ikebukuro where I had my first ramen in Japan. Now I have to do some preparation for classes, etc. There is so much I want/need to do and so little time to do it!!! Pictures later!

I'll also be getting busier and busier, so my posts may become more sporadic!

1 件のコメント:

  1. It all is so interesting and informative. Glad you got to visit the shrine and garden. I am sending a letter this week, so let me know when you get it please. Your classes sound good. Love you and miss you and HAPPY for you!
