

So I still have my cold today. When I woke up this morning my voice was gone... >_< but it came back later in the day (although a bit raspy). I went to karaoke with some friends Wednesday night which probably wasn't the best idea since I've been sick lately. It was a lot of fun though! And cheap! Anyway, I was able to skype with my dad this morning, which was pretty nice, but since I was tired we didn't talk too long. I've never been the type of person who talks on the phone/skype for very long though. I tried to go back to bed after eating breakfast, but I wasn't able to fall asleep. I'm glad I didn't have morning classes today though. I did end up going to my Exploring Tokyo class however. We explored the Yanaka and Ueno areas of Tokyo. I'll write a more in depth post about it later...and I have to finish my Akita post too....and do homework......sigh.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hang in there honey- health first! : ) I worked last night and when I came home was wiped out (understatement). Glad you got to talk/skype with your dad though. Maybe we can this sat/sun?
    Love you!
