
And The Days Go By...

So it's been a couple days since my last post. I'm pretty tired right now, so simple sentences may be ahead/not very descriptive writing...

Monday I took the Takeshita Dori path to Harajuku station. Usually I take a different path (which I shall call road path), but that morning I decided to go the other way. I noticed a lot of cute plants either in pots or growing on/by this stone wall. I wanted to take pictures of them but at the same time didn't want to be late for class. They were still colorful; green, purple, pink, etc. I haven't seen a lot of those plants before, so some day I'll take pictures to remember them.

Monday is pretty much my worst day of the week. First I have Japanese class from 9-12:10. There is a break in the middle (for ten minutes), but it doesn't help the fact that the class takes up two periods and is ungodly long. I had my first test on Monday, which I kinda ended up failing since I wasn't sure of two of the vocab words, and then accidentally mixed around numbers on one part. Well que sera sera. I'll do better next time. The Japanese classes here are way different from Earlham. Basically the way they schedule doesn't really make much sense. First we have the test, and then we go over all the words we were just tested on. Like really? So Stupid. I mean I get that they want us to study on our own, but there are little (and not so little) nuances that they explain in class that would definitely help on the test. I almost passed during class too since I was so tired (even though I got lots of sleep last night and had breakfast). I definitely need to prepare snacks to eat during class haha.

For lunch some Team friends and I ate at the tendon place we ate at last time. It was a bit crowded, so we had to wait, but it was so worth it. Seriously so good! Soba and tempura on rice. I ate everything except for a bit of the rice. Since we still had time before our next class, we went to niji lounge where we told fortunes with tarot cards! I really enjoy hanging out with the members there!~

My next two classes were Japanese Society Language and Culture, and War and Peace. They are both interesting and I like the professors, yet at the same time they are a bit boring...and class goes till 6...and my energy levels have just been low lately...
Anyway after class I came home, had dinner,and  talked with host family. I can't always understand what they are saying, but for the most part we communicate pretty well. They like to compliment me a lot sometimes, which is super nice and I really appreciate it, but I don't think I deserve that much praise. I hope I can express how thankful I am for everything they have done for me so far.

I have no morning classes Tuesday so I slept in late (I still felt a bit under the weather). Went to meet people for lunch where I happened to see students who studied abroad at Earlham! I kinda feel bad since I haven't really contacted or hung out with them all that much, but it was nice to see them!
I only have my Let's Enjoy Speaking Japanese class on Tuesdays which is super easy! And I have a couple of friends from my program in that class which is nice. After class I went to Shinjuku with a friend to go shopping. I don't really have the money to do much excess spending (I don't get my scholarship money until later October), but since it's been getting cold, I though it would be a good idea to buy a fall coat. And I bought a cute blazer as well (I did my best to contain my desire to buy more). We went to the Forever 21 (which has a couple of floors; it's pretty big). Some of the clothes are the same as the stores in America, but most of the clothes at a Japanese Forever 21 are more..Japanese cute style. The clothes are super cute. I mean it. And thankfully the prices are about the same as in America, so for Tokyo it's cheap. My coat was only 3,000 yen!

Today was another early and long Japanese class day, but my Wednesday teacher is pretty hilarious, and good at teaching, so today was better than Monday. And I had some snacks which helped. Though I was still pretty hungry by lunch time. I guess I've gotten used to buying lunch everyday, but sometimes it doesn't feel like I'm spending money even though I am....it's weird...but since I buy lunch every day, money goes by fast. I also had War and Peace again today, but after that I was free. I decided to go to the Niji lounge and just hang there. Talked to some people, did some homework, drew funny pictures. I got my phone bill in the mail (which was cheaper than it was supposed to be...odd...) and I'll be able to pay it at the conbini! Awesome Japan! Well I'm pretty exhuasted now so I'm either going to take a nap before dinner or work on homework! Yay!

1 件のコメント:

  1. Love the pic! Take all the praise you can get-- you DO deserve it : ) Give the new teaching method a chance.
    Love you my brave, sweet daughter!
