
Art Museum and Beer

Okay so yesterday, Tuesday, I ended up going to the Mori Art Museum in Roppongi Hills with some girls who are also study abroad here (one is in my program, another from California. I'm not really close with them, but they invited me and I was free until 6 so I decided to go with them). The exhibit was pretty cool. And there was some weird-ass shit there too. I won't go into details, but let's just say there was an 18+ section...anyway we also got to go to the observation deck (I forgot to mention the museum was on the 52nd floor) which was pretty cool as well. Got to see a nice view of Tokyo Tower.
So this room was there

写真: 森美術館 with gaijin ladies :)
After that I headed back to Waseda to meet some friends for dinner/drinks. We went to a nearby yaki-tori place that I'd never been before. Let's just talk about how delicious yaki-tori is. And a Niji member was working there that night, so we were able to get a special service (a nice big discount!). We also ran into other Niji members there, so we all ate/drank together. And it was at this yaki-tori place where the biggest cup/mug of beer I've ever seen was sold. It was almost like a personal beer pitcher. So of course I got one. It was great.
Notice the huge things of beer to the right
Today I was pretty tired for class, but somehow managed to stay semi-awake. I was going to finishing writing a paper, but haven't started that yet. Maybe I will after I finish writing here. It's due Saturday (I'm pretty sure?) so I still have time. Getting more and more excited for my brother to come visit. My host mom was helping me look for a cheap/good trip package. I'm thankful, because I've never really planned a trip by myself/I haven't had much time to look into things properly. So I'm really glad she is helping me. Sadly she can't come with us, but my host dad will be joining us to take us to various restaurants/bars. Next week is going to be so much fun. After will be hell though haha. So many papers to write...I can't believe it's already Wednesday though! Time is flying by too fast!

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