
Small and Not So Small Steps

Let me start off this post by saying how grateful I am for my host family. They have done so much for me in these past two days; I feel like I will never be able to repay them. And it has only been two days. I hope I am conveying how grateful I am. Things are still awkward at times. But as I've said, it's only been two days.

Today I woke up at 7. Breakfast was a nice bowl of cereal and pears (nashi)! Yummy. After breakfast I left with my host mom to go to the Shibuya ward office to update my residence card, get national health insurance, etc. We took what is called the はちこバス (hachiko bus) which is only 100 yen to ride. On the way to the bus stop, we walked by a fashion shoot! It took maybe a bit more than a half hour or so to get everything done that needed to be done there. I also saw someone from my program there, which was pretty awesome! I felt bad since my host mom had work, and I didn't know if I was making her late. I was going to ask her about it, but I didn't think it would make much of a difference since I know she wouldn't have left me behind there. And I'm glad she was with me since I would have been completely lost by myself. There she gave me a key to the apartment, and found some maps of the area for me (and even circled the area where the apartment is). I tried to convey how grateful I was for everything, but I'm not sure if I was able to. It's hard/tiring trying to figure out what to say/not say and when to say things too. I'll continue to do my best!

After we were done at the ward office we went to a cafe real quick (where my host mom bought me an ice coffee; they spend too much money on me!), and then showed me where Yoyogi Park is. Since she had to go to work, we parted there. Today I was by myself (other than being alone in the hotel room) for the first time in Japan, so I was pretty excited. Yoyogi park is beautiful. I only explored a little bit (I wanted to make sure I had enough time to get back to my host apartment since I was meeting my host mom there at 12:30), so I can't wait to go back again! There was a pond, a rose garden, and trees everywhere. I'm so glad I'm close to such a nice place. A huge shrine is right next to the park, but I didn't go there since I want to go there with my host family and spend a good amount of time exploring the shrine/grounds. I did, however, make time to walk down Takeshi-dori (a famous street in Harajuku) for a bit.

Thankfully I was able to make it back by myself without getting lost or asking for directions! Yay me! And there is a conbini across the street from where I live, so I was able to make copies of my passport etc. there. Since I got back a bit before 12:30, I had time to skype with my sister which was really nice. Once my host mother came back from work, we went to pick up my little host brother from day care (by taxi lol). So many cute kids there! So far my host brother has been pretty shy towards me, but today he held my hand for a bit! One small step forward to becoming closer! The three of us headed of to the Ginza area where we were going to have 書道(Japanese calligraphy) class. Since we got there early we went to another cafe where my host mom treated me again (I tried to pay but she wouldn't let me). We then gathered at the place where the lesson was being held. There were two other mothers with kids (today was the kids lesson and they let me join). The sensei taught me some things about shodo, and then showed me how to write a couple of things (my host mom let me use her paper/ink). It was a bit nerve wracking meeting new people (I tried to make a good impression), but it was also a lot of fun! I hope I can go again. (Also, after the lesson we went to a store where my host mom bought me an え (e for Emma) stamp so I can use it to stamp my calligraphy papers. I tried to buy it, but she wanted to get me a gift. I feel bad that they have been spending so much money on me...). Also, the sensei and her uncle apparently have had exhibitions in New York for their work, which is pretty amazing!

For dinner we met my host father and one of his friends in Akihabara at a Spanishish izakaya type restaurant.  And there was so much food. I felt about awkward while eating (since the sensei and my host father's friend were there), so I tried my best to have good table manners. Probably more than 12 dishes were brought out. And beer and wine. Seriously, it was so much food. I was stuffed. But it was all delicious! My host mother, brother, and I left before my host father (since he was still drinking with his friend). I could tell my host mother was pretty tired, so I thanked her again for everything she did for me. Since it started raining when we arrived at our station, we took another taxi home.

I was pretty tired when I got home, but I watched some tv with my host brother. When my host dad came home he was a bit drunk, but he, my host mom, and I drank a little bit more (oh god drinking lol) and talked. I couldn't understand everything my host dad was saying since he was a bit drunk (there were some random things about Japan's relationships with China and Korea, and Amercan and Japanese values), but we talked about things I want to do here (like traveling) and he said we will do them all! They said that they would introduce me to their family members, and invited me to do yoga with them on Saturday (although I'll probably have class). My host father also mentioned that when we travel, I only have to pay for the transportation; he will pay for food and everything else. I was really touched by this. Just that fact the he said such a thing made me really happy, but I feel like I could never accept that. I told them that I really wanted to become close with them all, so I hope we can. Oh and my host mother made sure I got to show my calligraphy to my host dad. It was fun to show him what I worked on.
They showed me some pictures of my host brother when he was a baby, and I showed them post cards my brother sent me and one of my mom's art postcards. While my host mom and brother were taking a bath, my host father told me about how he thinks Waseda is great. His father went there, and he wanted to go there himself, but said he wasn't able to due to not being a grate student (or something like that). When he said this I said "でも、会社の社長でしょう?” which basically translates as "but you're a company president...(so you must be smart (sort of))" When I said this he seemed really impressed and happy. He told me that my response was something a Japanese person would say! Which in turn made me happy.

I think we were able to bond a lot more tonight, although we still have a long way to go. Also, it's hard to tell how sincere a person is when they have been drinking. But I'm going to stay positive and hope I'll form a really great connection with my host family. Even though it's been a bit (very) tiring (using Japanese, trying to be polite, etc.), I really like my host family. I'm still a bit worried about offending them, or doing something wrong, or not seeming grateful. But I can only do my best!

Tomorrow I get my cell phone! And I get to see my friends again! I miss them!~

Also, my host mom showed my how to do laundry, and they have a washer/drier combo which is pretty rare in Japan! Though I hung up my clothes to dry anyway lol.

Also, I know I write a lot, but there is so much more I could say or comment on. Posts these lengths take some time to write, however, so I don't go into as much detail as I could since I don't have the time.

5 件のコメント:

  1. You are going to become an alcoholic living in Japan haha. Good job learning calligraphy! You are awesome!

  2. Your blogs are great and don't worry so much. I am sure they understand : ) Please tell them I extend my thanks in making you so welcome in their home.

  3. I am seriously enjoying this blog lol. I'm glad your stay in Japan is already going so well.

    1. Haha, thanks! I really appreciate it that my friends and family are reading it! That makes me so happy!~

    2. ok I tried to like this and it didn't work out. But I like it still.
