
I've Arrived

I feel like if I don't post this now I never will. And although I can't promise to update this blog weekly, I will do my best to post about things that inspire me to post. And I'm pretty tired so bear with me here. Anyway, here it goes:

Waking up at 7 in the morning to leave for Japan seems like so long ago. Thankfully I safely was able to check in and get to my terminal. Then I waited. The flight was on time so before I knew it, I was sitting in my seat waiting for take off. And then there was about 13 hours of flying. Sadly my tv screen on the seat in front of me didn't work properly (I couldn't watch any movies..), but the person sitting next to me was also studying abroad at Waseda (though not through the program I'm in) so we talked which helped make up for the fact my little tv didn't work properly.
The flight is pretty much a blur now. Talking, eating, sleeping, reading, repeat. There were moments when it really hit me that I was going to Japan for 11 months, but most of the time I was just in a spaced out daze, waiting for the flight to end. The last hour and a half felt so long. I was tired, spaced out, and hungry for real food, but once I saw the first bit of land (farming land which reminds me of Indiana haha) all I felt was excitement.
Before I knew it I was at the meeting point, where I was able to reunite with friends from Earlham. And then I was on a bus with the rest of the members of my program heading to Tokyo. Although I should have felt completely exhausted at this point, I was mainly elated to start my 11 month journey studying abroad in Japan. Slowly the city came into view, and I was having a great time joking with friends from Earlham and other students on the program in the back of the bus (and probably making too much noise while doing it).
In a little less than 2 hours we arrived at our hotel and got our room keys (thankfully we have a room to ourselves). Some of the Japanese students who came to help us at the airport took a large group of us around Ikebukuro to find food. Although this didn't go as smoothly as it could have, and with being so tired there were a couple of lost in translation moments, things worked out well in the end.
I'd love to be more elaborate and go into more detail, but at this point I'm exhausted and spaced out this is the best I can do. Hopefully I can get up on time in the morning to start orientation.

Also pictures at some point (my battery died so not any pictures of Tokyo yet)

2 件のコメント:

  1. I can't wait to see pictures and read more about your adventures! Just try to get plenty of sleep the next few days- jet lag sucks!

  2. Thankfully I don't think I have jet lag too bad, but I wasn't able to get much sleep tonight :( oh well. Love and miss you!
