
Goodbye Shimane

Wow. This month went by so fast; tomorrow is my last day here. I'm so ready to go back to Tokyo though. I've been ready to go back the whole time. Which isn't to say I didn't enjoy it here or have a bad time. Working at the schools here was such an amazing experience. I got to interact with some of the cutest and smartest kids I have ever met. I also got to experience what it would be like to work in a Japanese school. I never thought I would enjoy it as much as I did. And my host family here was so nice. They took me to so many places and did so much for me. We didn't get as close as I wanted to be though, and for some reason I never really felt completely like myself here. There were also times were it was really hard to communicate. Times were I wanted to converse, and I could tell they wanted to converse too, but it was a struggle to find something to talk about. Which could be incredibly exhausting. In the end I'm just exhausted I think.

I think part of it was just culture shock. Daito and Shimane in general is such a different place than Tokyo. My lifestyle here was completely different. In Tokyo I was used to having more control over what I did with my days. Here I had something planned almost every day. Today was the only day I didn't actually go somewhere with my host family or have work. I had wanted to explore the area by myself a bit, at least talk a walk by myself around the neighborhood. That never happened. I guess a part of me missed having time completely to myself. And I missed my Tokyo host family and my friends back in Tokyo or on other programs as well. I missed the city itself. I never expected to be Tokyo homesick, but I was. I fell in love with the city. The bustling crowd of people, the neon lights and neighborhoods, the high stimulation. It's going to be so hard to leave Tokyo in August.

I also got a bit homesick for my South Bend home. I had a lot of time to think here; almost too much time to think. And I eventually started thinking about home and my loved ones back in America. I especially thought a lot about last summer. I realized I will never have a summer like that again...

I also realized today that this will be the first time leaving somewhere I've lived for an extended period of time without the certain knowledge that I will one day come back. Which is a bit sad and scary. I may never see any of these people or these places again. I guess that's just life though.

Anyway, as I sort through this mess of feelings, in the end I'm so glad I came here. I'm so glad to be going back to Tokyo. And I'm so glad to be traveling to the Philippines and Korea with some great friends. I have been really lucky in my life so far and I am sincerely grateful. And I look forward to the rest of my time in Japan.

Hope everyone is health and happy.


1 件のコメント:

  1. I miss you Emma! I'm sorry you've been feeling homesick. But don't worry about time going by too fast- just keep living in the moment and enjoying it as much as you can. There's no reason you can't go back and visit your host family again, or at least stay in touch. My grandparents still stay in touch and are close with exchange students that they hosted 20+ years ago.
