
Birthday Parties and Whatnot

Is it sad that I can't remember what I have done in a week unless I look back at my planner? I think I have too many plans...haha.

Takoyaki party with my host family and their friends. When I go back they want to give me a takoyaki maker. Which is pretty awesome, but tako (octopus) and some of the other ingredients aren't regularly found in super markets...lol.

After class got dinner with some friends at this yakitori restaurant in Takadanobaba. The atmosphere there was really cool, but the food was just okay. Even though there were Japanese friends there who could perfectly read the menu, we somehow ordered raw innards...haha. They weren't as gross as I was expecting them to be. One of our friends couldn't really handle it though.

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Ri-chan on the verge of tears.
Tuesday was my best friend Shiori's birthday!!! For lunch we went to this place that served white curry. We weren't really sure why it was white, but it was pretty good! (the taste wasn't all too different form normal curry. but it had cheese on it which was wonderful).

After eating lunch I met another friend to go shopping and prepare for the party we were having for Shiori. Since we didn't have time to hand make a cake, we just bought some sponge cakes from the store and decorated them, which actually took forever since we had to whip the cream into cream by hand. Literally took like 30 minutes haha. 

Anyway, the party was really fun! Stayed up until about 3 or so; everyone just crashed at that friend's apartment. Managed to get up to make it to my 9am class. 

Was half-asleep through the classes I went to, and then went home early to sleep.

Lunch with Becky, sleep.

Class, and then preparation for the sports festival that was on Saturday, and then class, and then was lazy until 6:30 when I met a friend for dinner. She took me to this really delicious and cheap gyoza place in Harajuku/Omotesadno! Did some shopping after that. Was pretty exhausted the whole day for no reason though, so went home early to sleep.

The day of the sports festival! Since I was one of the organizers (also the one who created the event) I helped set up from the early afternoon. It was super hot and muggy that day (thankfully the sports festival was inside a gym). I think the sports festival went pretty well (we called in NIJILympic lol). First we had the groups play duck duck goose (where the loser has to go into the middle and dance), then we did this race where two people get inside a round cardboard thing (that we made out of cardboard. lol) where they had to crawl from one end of the gym to another, and obstacle race, and finally dodge-ball! Everyone seemed to have fun which was good, since we weren't actually all that organized with what we were doing haha. 

After the sports festival we went out to dinner to celebrate a friend's birthday. So many birthdays this month!! 

Slept in and have just been lazy the whole day. Tried to sort through my winter clothes, plan on getting rid of a lot. Packing is going to be horrible...
Also going to another friend's birthday dinner tonight. My money is going by so fast...haha.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Looks and sounds so fun. Just had several wonderful flashbacks while reading this! Miss ya! Love ya!

    1. Miss and love you too! Excited to see you in less than 2 months!
