
Finally, Internet!!!

Hey all!
So it's been a crazy past couple of days (that's the way things seem to be going lately).
Moved into the new house last Wednesday. Thankfully everything went well! Still haven't gotten much of a chance to explore my new neighborhood (I miss my old neighborhood a bit ;_;), but it seems pretty nice! Where I am living now is literally less than a minute from the train station, but that means that I will actually have to start exercising more now since I won't be walking as much...
The house is overall bigger than the apartment we were previously living in, except for the toilet and the bathing area...

Right now is Golden Week, a week where there are a couple of holidays, which usually isn't actually a week long, but for Waseda students is a week long! I've literally had plans every day though, which has been tiring but a lot of fun! (still have a bit of a cold, but what's new there?)

Friday was a lot of fun. Went to this really nice cafe in Omotesando for brunch with a friend, walked to Shibuya, had some great coffee, and went to a free art exhibit! I also had to update my address on some stuff that day was well (which took forever, still not done). That night I went to this umeshu bar (umeshu, so good) with this guy that I've been hanging out with a bit. I literally went to so many places in Tokyo that day...(Waseda, Harajuku/Omotesando, Shibuya, back to Waseda, Ebisu, Shibuya again, Waseda again, Iidabashi, and then finally home).

Saturday I went to this really cute park/play area for kids with my host family and some of their friends. My host mom's sister was there too, which meant her adorable 2 year old girl was there too! (I got to play with her the most, seriously the cutest little girl on earth). I was pretty exhausted though (peak of my cold) but thankfully didn't have to use too much energy. I haven't gotten to spend too much time with host family lately (busy, different schedules) which they have noticed (and pointed out to me on multiple occasions when they are drunk), so I spent the whole day with them. It's starting to get a bit rough to be around them and their friends when they are all drinking though (which isn't a new thing, but it's become more tiring than before).

On Sunday I went to this tsutsuji (it's a flower) festival at the Nezu Shrine in Nezu. The weather was beautiful and so were the flowers. It was really relaxing and nice! After that I went to this free jazz festival with some of my friends. Great to hear live jazz again! After that one of my friends showed us the share house he is living in since it was close by. Sometimes I think it would be nice to live in a sharehouse or by myself here, but I really do love living with my host family and have been able to experience so many wonderful things living with them.

Monday I went to a BBQ for Niji which was pretty fun! About 300 people came (crazy) and I ended up talking to a lot of freshman again (which is kinda tiring since they all ask me the same questions). Afterwards I spend the night at my friend Shiori's house with some friends which was also a lot of fun (the longer I write the more tired I am becoming hence the great descriptions). Her family was really nice, and the food was really good. The next day we woke up late and were lazy for four hours before we did some shopping.

Wednesday afternoon I went to Yokohama to hang out with a friend for a bit and then went to an Ocktoberfest in Odaiba with her and some other friends. It was cold and rainy and the beer was overpriced, but overall I had a great time. We all shared different types of beer and ate sausage  and there was this Germanish band playing live music and everyone went up to the front and started dancing! So much fun!

Today I did some practicing for the mime class that I'm in and ate dinner with my host family. Tomorrow I leave from a three day trip with the club I'm in. Super excited, but I have to wake up reallt early so I should probably go to bed soon! So tired!

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