
Moving Soon and Classes

Only one more week left of living in Jingumae...sad to leave. Going to check out my new neighborhood tomorrow though since the two times I've been there before I haven't actually gotten to explore the area or anything. 

Having been seeing much of my host family lately...I've been busy, they've been busy, but mainly I've been busy. Oh well.

Classes are finally figured out (for Waseda at least, Earlham is another story...)
The Art of Mime and Pantomime: Okay so I wasn't planning on taking this class originally, but the other class I signed up for at first was really boring and some of my friends were taking this class so I was like sure why not. The professor is pretty funny and interesting, and I don't really have any interest in mime (and I have to perform with a group), but hey, I guess I get to learn something new?
Postmodernism: So this class is pretty cool. We started off by talking about the Beatles. Would be a better class if it wasn't for two periods in a row. Dying by the end. Mime is also two periods in a row. Dying. 
Photo Essays about Study Abroad Experience Level 5: So I'm only taking themed Japanese classes this semester. I'm not sure how much I'll actually learn, but this essay writing class has been a lot of fun so far. Basically we are just going to write about our study abroad experience (in Japanese) and make a book (or something) out of it.
Appropriate Phrases 2-3: A 1 credit Japanese class. I picked it because I wanted an easy class, but it's too easy so it's super boring. Whoops.
International Role of Japanese Business: Knowing nothing about business, economics, politics, etc., I wasn't sure how this class would be, but I'm actually liking it a lot. The professor is this old, stylish, funny Japanese guy.  But actually most of the class is not him, presidents and other super important people from Japanese businesses come in and give lectures. Today we had the Chief Equity Strategist from Mizuho Securities come in. His English wasn't great, but I learned something!
Pronounciation 3-4: Just registered for this class, so who knows how it is.
Essay class again!
Reading Picture Books 3-4: Okay so I signed up for this class because I thought we would just be reading picture books in Japanese and that would be fun, but actually we have to present on a Japanese picture book which is also fine, but then all of a sudden we have to use Excel to make graphs and shit about various things like the facial emotions in the pictures and get real intense with picture book analysis.

So an interesting schedule? And basically no homework and absolutely no text books. Yay!~

Also tonight my study abroad program had presentations on everyone's cultural practicum. It was fun getting to hear about what everyone did, but it was so long and now I'm so tired...always tired.

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