
Forever Tired: The Story of Emma's Life

So incredibly tired for no reason, but it's probably because I have been dealing with Waseda classes, and Earlham classes, and finding work for Earlham next year, and helping out with the freshman events for the club I'm in, and having a real social life, and spending time with my host family, and trying to figure out when we are moving, and yeah. So I'm a little tired, but overall I'm still having a great time haha.

Sunday I went to Niji's hanami event for a little bit, but I was tired/antsy for some reason/had to meet Becky and her brother also so I left early. Walked around the Harajuku area with Becky and her brother and her brother's friends and showed them to this cool cafe and talked. I'm really glad I got to meet Becky's brother, but I had to leave early to help one of my Niji friends with a power point. So from Harajuku I went back to the Waseda area were I met my friend and we went to another friend's apartment to work on the power point. I was translating Japanese for them (at least the best I could). It's weird because sometimes there are phrases that I understand the meaning in Japanese but have difficultly translating into English (also kanji is still difficult..). But I'm glad I was able to help them with it. It's fun working with everyone :)

There was a lion at this fashionable cafe!~

After that I went to another friend's apartment in the area where people who went to the Philippines and Korea and other random friends gathered for a takoyaki party! It was a lot of fun, we were there form like 7 till 11pm. Ate a lot of food, helped with more English translations, and just talked and hung out with everyone. So much fun!~

This is what a takoyaki party looks like!

Today was the first day of classes for the new semester. I didn't have class until 1 so I ate lunch in the Niji lounge and hung out with everyone for a bit.
Class was incredibly boring. I knew a fair amount of people in the class which was nice, but the teacher was pretty boring and the material was like a class I took last semester so during the break (the class lasted for two periods with a break in between) and I went to go check out another class about Patomime which I also have friends in and seems really fun, so I'm going to drop the boring class and take the fun one. So yeah, skipped the second half of the class I'm dropping and got ice cream with friends from my study abroad program and went to the garden on campus and ate ice cream and practiced juggling! After that hung out with Niji people again but started to feel really spaced out so went home where I ate with my host family (which was like the first time in forever since we are always eating out).

And if you can't tell from how poorly written this is I'm pretty tired but yeah!

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